
Protection, huh?

        Why is America such a novelty in our world?  Why is it the best country on earth?  Simple.  We have the ability to choose for ourselves.  We have an amazing freedom in the US that we would never like to lose.  Freedom to do what we like with our possessions, beliefs, opinions, and money.   
       Most everybody knows what a 401k is.  It's the plan/money for when you want to stop working and retire.  Most everybody would consent that this money is, of course, your money.  And that would entail that you can do what you would like with it- put more money in, or, if need be, take some out. 
    Now that freedom is being put at risk.  The government is trying to pass a bill that essentially "locks up" our 401k accounts.  At first glance, this idea seems pretty logical- to keep our money for retirement.  But wait- our money.  Shouldn't we be able to have the ability to do what we want with it?  Of course! 
    Our founding fathers based the United States of America on limited government.  They had the right idea, to keep government out of our personal lives.  This bill that is pending is a total violation of what our values are rooted on.  Little invasions like this bill add up quickly to a government very like an overprotective parent. 
    Other bills have been introduced lately that are as bizarre as this one.  What about the bill that tried to impose high taxes on cigarettes?  Of course, they were just to keep us "healthy."  Hmm.  And what about the bill to limit the amount of sodium restaurants use in their food?  Still only in "our interest."  But what about freedom of choice?  We should have the right to choose how unhealthy or healthy we want to be!
    Keep your eye out for these seemingly small ideas.  The more the government argues for them, the less strange they seem.  We start accepting things like this.  And before you know it, your life is being controlled.

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